<Personal Project> in Nottingham Trent University, 2024

MA Final Dissertation for Luxury Watch Market

This dissertation, part of the MA Fashion Marketing course at Nottingham Trent University, investigates the role of brand heritage storytelling in shaping the purchasing behaviour and brand loyalty of Generation Z within the luxury watch industry. With luxury watches seen as symbols of craftsmanship, tradition, and prestige, brands are increasingly relying on their historical narratives to appeal to new generations of consumers. This research focuses on how Generation Z, characterized by digital nativity and value-driven consumption, responds to the use of brand heritage storytelling by luxury watch brands. This final project consisted of a dissertation and marketing plan for Cartier. Based on the findings from the dissertation, the marketing strategy for Cartier demonstrates how brand heritage storytelling can be combined with contemporary values to strengthen the brand’s relationship with Generation Z consumers.

Research Topic and Background

The luxury watch market has traditionally been driven by history and craftsmanship, with products commanding premium prices. However, with Generation Z emerging as a key demographic, it has become crucial to understand how they engage with and relate to luxury brands. Generation Z is highly digitally literate and places great emphasis on social responsibility and sustainability, making it essential to understand how traditional brands can combine these values with storytelling to resonate with this audience.

Research Questions

The dissertation addresses the following key research questions to explore the relationship between Generation Z and luxury brands. These questions aim to investigate the specific impact of heritage storytelling in the luxury watch market and identify which elements Generation Z consumers find most compelling.

  1. How does brand heritage storytelling influence purchase decisions and brand loyalty among Generation Z consumers?

  2. What specific narrative elements (e.g., brand history, craftsmanship, cultural values) resonate most strongly with Generation Z?

  3. How do digital platforms and social media amplify and enhance brand storytelling for Generation Z?

  4. How do Generation Z’s values (e.g., sustainability, authenticity) shape their perception of brand heritage storytelling?

Theoretical Framework

The dissertation draws on several theoretical frameworks, including Narrative Transportation TheoryRelationship Marketing Theory, and Brand Equity Theory:

  • Narrative Transportation Theory suggests that when consumers become immersed in a brand's narrative, they form a stronger emotional connection with the brand. This research posits that brand heritage acts as a powerful story that draws consumers into the brand, influencing purchase behaviour and brand loyalty.

  • Relationship Marketing Theory focuses on the importance of building long-term relationships with consumers by providing consistent value and fostering emotional bonds. This theory is applied to explain how luxury brands can strengthen their emotional ties with Generation Z through brand storytelling.

  • Brand Equity Theory highlights the role of brand awareness, loyalty, and perceived quality in creating brand equity. The study explores how heritage storytelling enhances these factors, particularly as Generation Z values brands with a strong history and craftsmanship.

Research Methodology

The study employs qualitative research methods to gather and analyse Generation Z consumers' perceptions and emotional responses. The research includes in-depth interviews and brand content analysis to understand how Generation Z forms emotional connections with luxury watch brands:

  • In-depth interviews were conducted to explore consumers' personal experiences and emotional reactions to luxury brands, particularly focusing on their emotional attachment and brand perception.

  • Content analysis was performed on the websites and social media channels of Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, and Cartier to evaluate how these brands communicate heritage storytelling elements.

Research Findings

The findings revealed that craftsmanship and cultural values resonate most strongly with Generation Z consumers. They form deep emotional connections with luxury brands that emphasise their historical heritage and craftsmanship, while also valuing the authenticity the brand conveys. Generation Z, in particular, appreciates brands that link their history to modern values like sustainability.

Moreover, digital platforms and social media were found to play a crucial role in amplifying brand storytelling. Generation Z relies heavily on influencers and brand ambassadors to access and engage with brand stories. Platforms such as Instagram and YouTube were shown to be vital for Generation Z to experience a brand’s heritage and build trust.

Conclusion and Marketing Strategy

The dissertation proposes a marketing strategy for Cartier, demonstrating how brand heritage storytelling can be combined with contemporary values to strengthen the brand’s relationship with Generation Z consumers. It suggests that sustainability, digital innovation, and cultural engagement should be integrated into Cartier's storytelling to enhance the brand’s image and deepen its emotional connection with Generation Z.

This research provides practical insights into how luxury brands can effectively utilise brand heritage to build long-term relationships with Generation Z, offering significant contributions to future luxury brand marketing strategies.

Marketing Plan for Cartier

Cartier’s marketing strategy, as developed based on the findings from the dissertation, focuses on appealing to Generation Z by blending the brand’s rich heritage with modern values such as sustainability, digital innovation, and cultural engagement. A key aspect of the strategy involves leveraging heritage storytelling to emphasise Cartier’s long-standing history and craftsmanship. Especially, this marketing plan outlines a strategic campaign designed to elevate Cartier’s reputation as a premier luxury watchmaker by leveraging the 120th anniversary of the Santos de Cartier model. By highlighting iconic moments and timeless designs, Cartier can reinforce its legacy as a symbol of luxury and elegance, resonating with Generation Z’s appreciation for authenticity and historical significance.

One of the essential component of the strategy is Cartier’s focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Generation Z places a high value on ethical consumption, so Cartier’s efforts to promote sustainable practices, such as using recycled materials and ethical sourcing, can enhance its brand image. Collaborating with organisations that support social justice and environmental causes will further align Cartier with the values of younger consumers, positioning the brand as both luxurious and socially responsible.

Digital innovation is another core element of Cartier’s marketing strategy. To engage digitally savvy Generation Z consumers, Cartier plans to implement interactive digital campaigns that allow users to explore the brand’s heritage through technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual tours. By expanding its presence on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, Cartier can connect with younger audiences through influencer marketing and engaging content that blends tradition with modernity.

In addition to digital strategies, Cartier will focus on cultural engagement by supporting artistic initiatives such as exhibitions and collaborations with emerging artists or designers. These partnerships help position Cartier as a brand that appreciates and supports creativity, a value that resonates strongly with Generation Z. Cartier will also offer limited edition collections that incorporate both historical elements and modern trends, providing younger consumers with an opportunity to own a piece of history while staying fashionable.

Moreover, Cartier’s marketing strategy includes offering personalisation options for its products. This allows Generation Z consumers to create a more personal connection with the brand, as they can customise their Cartier pieces to reflect their individuality. The omni-channel experience is another important focus, as Cartier aims to offer a seamless transition between online and in-store shopping. By enhancing its luxury customer service across both digital and physical platforms, Cartier can ensure that consumers have a consistently high-quality experience, whether they are shopping online or in a store.

In conclusion, this marketing strategy plan for Cartier seeks to maintain the brand’s luxurious heritage while aligning with the evolving values and preferences of Generation Z. By combining tradition with innovation, sustainability, and cultural relevance, Cartier aims to build a deeper connection with younger consumers and ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing market.

Project Outcomes

You can see the learning outcomes through this file.


Professional Development Plan for Global Marketer