<Introduction to Public Relation> in Seoul Women’s University, 2020

Research on CSR

Throughout the <Introduction to Public Relation> course during my undergraduate studies, I delved into a comprehensive exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

For the midterm assignment, I wrote an essay on "Reasons and examples of emphasising Corporate Social Responsibility through the fashion industry". As corporate donations and support activities were frequently reported in the media due to the changing conditions caused by COVID-19 in 2020, I became interested in the impact of corporate social responsibility on image formation. In addition, in the context of global interest in sustainability and environmental issues in the fashion industry, 'Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)' is being emphasised, and I analysed examples of corporate activities related to it and reflected on its importance.

This report explored the definition, types, and importance of Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Through learning about the various dimensions and types of CSR and related theories, I was able to understand it from different perspectives and see the efforts of companies to implement it.

In addition, by researching and compiling real examples of CSR activities in the fashion industry, I was able to identify concrete examples of how companies are practising social responsibility. In particular, I was able to understand that CSR activities in the fashion industry focus on sustainability, which emphasises the importance of sustainable management and ethical consumption.

This activity provided an opportunity to reflect on the importance of establishing a company's image and brand. The in-depth consideration of the impact of CSR activities on the image and branding of companies expanded my awareness of the tendency of consumers to favour ethical and socially responsible companies. It also allowed for deeper reflection on the importance of CSR and the role of businesses as sustainable and responsible citizens.

In the final assignment, which builds on the previous midterm research, I investigated the topic of "Patagonia's Social Responsibility Activities and Effects", focusing on the impact of corporate social responsibility activities on consumers.

Patagonia, a global sports brand, has been leading the way in environmental and social responsibility activities for a long time since its launch. I focused on the company's leading social responsibility activities to analyse and consider their impact and effect on the company.

Patagonia's social responsibility activities were broadly divided into responsible enterprise, damming, use of recycled fibres, socially responsible marketing, and the Worn Wear project. The company's social responsibility activities were comprehensive and effective, ranging from product production to marketing to environmental protection, which secured positive perceptions from consumers; donations to environmental protection through the "Earth Tax" and Black Friday events highlighted the company's philosophy and increased sales. The "Worn Wear" project extended the life of products and promoted recycling, which actively interacted with consumers.

During this research, I had a clear understanding that Corporate Social Responsibility activities are not just about participation, but about engaging consumers to achieve real positive effects. When companies engage consumers effectively, they not only connect with their values but also increase brand loyalty and create positive environmental and social impacts.

Through these findings, I realised the importance of creative and effective strategies to drive consumer engagement from a marketing perspective. I recognised the need for marketing strategies that can uncover and activate consumers' motivation to engage in corporate responsible behaviour, which is a critical factor in shaping a company's image and increasing sales. Overall, I gained an awareness that CSR is not just about donations or activities, but about creating value through interaction with consumers.

Project Outcomes

You can see the learning outcomes through these two file. Unfortunately, only the Korean version is available.


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