<Media Creative> in Seoul Women’s University, 2021

Media Strategy Mix Proposal for Brandi

This project carried out as part of the <Media Creative> course, provided a media strategy and media mix proposal for the Korean fashion app 'Brandi'. The proposal meticulously analysed the current situation, identified issues, and presented conceptual messages along with innovative solutions targeting a specific audience. It included parts on situational analysis, competitor analysis, self-analysis, consumer analysis, media strategy, and media mix suggestions, aiming to enhance Brandi's presence and efficiency through a strategically chosen media mix across various platforms.

The situational analysis highlighted the competitive landscape of the fast-growing Korean fashion e-commerce sector, where Brandi has gained recognition but struggles to differentiate itself from leading competitors like 'Ably' and 'ZigZag' in the women's clothing app market.

The project extended its analysis to competitors, noting Brandi's focus, along with its competitors, on aggregating online shopping malls selling Dongdaemun clothing. Each platform, including Brandi, tried to differentiate itself with unique selling propositions such as AI customisation, integrated payment systems, and next-day delivery services. Brandi's strength in fast delivery was acknowledged but threatened as competitors introduced similar or improved delivery options, diluting Brandi's unique selling proposition.

In the consumer analysis section, insights from 'Open Survey MZ Generation Fashion App Trend Report 2021' and in-depth individual target interviews revealed that although Brandi is recognised for its quick delivery, this aspect is secondary to consumers. The customer prioritised other factors such as design, fit/size, and product variety – areas where Brandi was perceived as lacking.

The proposed strategy addressed the perceived lack of variety while emphasising Brandi's fast delivery strength, focusing on a "Two-Track" strategy. It aimed to increase app users by 20% by re-engaging lapsed users and attracting new ones. The media strategy included expanding Brandi's reach through a combination of channels such as CATV, SMR, and YouTube to convey Brandi's messages of diversity and rapid delivery to a mass audience, utilising popular influencers on YouTube and Instagram to enhance Brandi's appeal through relevant content and promotional events. Furthermore, it aimed to boost re-engagement and attract new users through mobile advertising such as KakaoTalk channel messages and Biz Board ads. An attractive TikTok challenge was designed to captivate the youth, promoting Brandi's unique selling points, and display advertising through GDN and Criteo was used to retarget and attract potential customers efficiently.

This project provided various insights into developing an effective media strategy. It highlighted the need for innovative solutions that resonate with the target audience, the power of influencer marketing in boosting brand appeal, and the importance of a diverse media mix to maximise reach and engagement.

From understanding Brandi's market position and competitive environment to deeply analysing the current media mix and consumer perceptions, this process was essential for formulating an effective strategy. It laid the foundation for devising a differentiated strategy for Brandi, learning the importance and limitations of its unique selling proposition, and fast delivery.

It led to recognising the importance of developing strategies that meet consumer expectations and demands. Reflecting the consumer's preference for design, fit, and diversity over fast delivery required a multifaceted approach. Moreover, conveying the brand message through various media channels proved crucial for reaching a broader target audience, learning to integrate methods like SNS, YouTube influencers, and mobile advertising cohesively.

In conclusion, this project offered valuable insights into developing and implementing media strategies for fashion apps like Brandi. It demonstrated how a carefully chosen media mix, combined with a clear understanding of the target audience and market dynamics, can significantly improve a brand's presence and appeal in a competitive landscape. The digital marketing environment changes rapidly, necessitating flexible adjustment of brand strategies to keep pace. The importance of continually monitoring new trends and technologies and incorporating them into strategies was a key learning.

Project Outcome

You can see the learning outcome through this file. Unfortunately, only the Korean version is available.


Digital PR Proposal for the Ministry of Education