<Interactive Advertising> in Seoul Women’s University, 2021

IMC Strategy Proposal for HBAF

This project was part of the <Interactive Advertising> class, and I selected a brand and developed an IMC strategy.

My team selected HBAF, a Korean almond snack brand. The brand has gained great popularity with its honey butter-flavoured almonds and is a brand that offers snacks in various flavours based on nuts such as almonds and peanuts. The proposal presents an integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy for the almond brand HBAF. The proposal includes situation analysis, problem identification, target analysis, insight, concept setting, and IMC strategy development.

Through market analysis, we identified the brand's situation and key challenges. HBAF is a leader in the nuts market and has experienced success with its rebranding strategy with a variety of flavours and unique packaging. However, we found that brand awareness was lower than product awareness and that there was a threat from the increase in similar products from competing brands. To solve this problem, we targeted busy young people between the ages of 20 and 39 who are interested in wellness.

The strategic approach involved leveraging a variety of channels, including digital advertising, social media campaigns, product placement, outdoor advertising and collaborations to increase brand awareness and drive consumer engagement. These strategies attempted to position HBAF as a brand that provides small pleasures in busy daily lives.

Through this project, I learned a deep understanding of the target market, the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications, the importance of creative strategies and collaboration, and the need for data-based decision-making. A successful marketing strategy begins with a deep understanding of target market. This means accurately identifying consumer needs, preferences, and behaviour patterns and establishing strategies based on these.

Additionally, by integrating multiple marketing channels to deliver a consistent brand message, brand awareness and consumer participation can be maximised. This includes a variety of methods including online advertising, social media, product placement, and outdoor advertising. Creative ideas and campaigns make the brand stand out, and collaborations with other brands and influencers are an effective way to reach new audiences. Additionally, insights gained through market research and data analysis provide an important basis for making strategic decisions. This allows to creation more accurate and effective marketing strategies. The project provided valuable guidance for future marketing projects as well as for growing the brand and remaining competitive in the market.

Project Outcome

You can see the learning outcome through this file. Unfortunately, only the Korean version is available.


Copywriting Note


AD Diary