<Brand Communication> in Seoul Women’s University, 2020

Brand Launching Strategy

I proposed ‘My Vegan Cosmetics Brand Launching Strategy’ as a project for the <Brand Communication> class. The outline of the proposal was as follows.


"I want to launch a 'Natural Cosmetics' brand as part of my entrepreneurial project"

Task 1

What brand identity should you build? Use the Brand Identity Planning Model to plan your brand identity. (Must include the following elements)

: At least 2 Core Identities / At least 5 Extended Identities / One Value Proposition each / Relationship with customers

Task 2

Create a Brand Architecture using the brands above.

Use at least two of the four fundamental strategies (Branded House, House of Brands, Endorsed Brands, Sub-Brands) and nine sub-strategies (Same Identity, Different Identity, Master Brand as Leader, Co-Leader, Strong Endorsement, Token Endorser, Related Brand Name, Shadow Endorsement, Irrelevant) that you have learnt.

This project proposed the brand "PLANT V," a vegan cosmetics brand that uses natural plant-based ingredients. The brand focused on sustainability, offering 100% vegan products without any animal-derived ingredients, thereby appealing to a specific target market. The core identity of the brand included its main products and users, while its extended identity encompassed the brand personality, campaigns, sub-brands, product packaging, product origin, and advertising models.

Brand Identity Summary

- Core Identity: Main products (basic skincare products using natural plant ingredients like tiger grass, aloe, green tea, and mushroom) and primary users (consumers practising veganism and interested in sustainability).

- Extended Identity: Brand personality (vegan, focused on sustainability), campaigns (collaboration with TerraCycle for recycling), sub-brands (PLANT V Tiger Leaf, Greenered, PLANT V Freya), product packaging (using sustainable materials), product origin (locally produced ingredients, direct dealings with growers), advertising models (celebrities practising vegetarianism).

- Value Proposition: Functional benefits (use of natural plant ingredients), emotional benefits (feeling of well-being and contributing to the environment), self-expressive benefits (being perceived as environmentally conscious and practising veganism).

Brand Architecture Strategy Summary

- Branded House Strategy: PLANT V Tiger Leaf, using tiger grass in its products, directly reflects this in its brand name.

- Individual Brand Strategy: Greenered operates independently from PLANT V, with its name inspired by the green colours of aloe and green tea.

- Sub-brand Strategy: PLANT V Freya is linked to the master brand and focuses on anti-ageing products using mushrooms, named after the goddess of beauty, Freya.

I could learn the importance of brand identity and tailoring value propositions to the target market through this project. Specifically, developing a product line that focuses on veganism and sustainability, and targeting consumers who value environmental responsibility and personal health were key strategies. Furthermore, incorporating environmental values into product development and packaging, such as the use of sustainable materials, can enhance brand trust and build positive relationships with consumers.

Through brand architecture strategies, learning how to apply various brand strategies (branded house, individual brand, sub-brand strategy) and effectively target different consumer segments was valuable. I realised understanding the impact of each strategy on the product portfolio and market approach is essential for successfully launching and growing a brand.

Overall, this project provided me with a valuable experience in understanding the complexities of building and managing a brand and learning how to create social and environmental value through a sustainable business model.

Project Outcome

You can see the learning outcome through this file. Unfortunately, only the Korean version is available.


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